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Awareness and Educational Opportunities

Hands of Justice provides a variety of ways for the community to be involved and become educated on human trafficking. We also provide Overcomers with the opportunities to educate, speak, consult, and help others by sharing in a way that most will never comprehend. We pride ourselves in being professional, up to date, educated and willing to share with a compassionate and empathetic heart. Most of HOJ's speakers are Overcomers with lived experience of human trafficking. 


We do ask that all speakers be compensated for their expertise and time. Speakers can be booked by clicking on the links below. 

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When Silence Ends:
Stories and Art from Survivors of Human Trafficking

When Silence Ends is a powerful and educational tool about the face of Human Trafficking in the United States today. The book contains 20 Overcomer stories surrounded by educational pieces about Human Trafficking. Each story has been partnered up with a local artist that took the stories and depicted it through art. 


Written by Rebecca Cary, Founder of Hands of Justice in collaboration with 19 other Overcomers. Volume two coming out in 2024

Educational Resources:


"Very well written, with heart wrenching truths that every person in America and Europe should be aware of. This subject is not spoken enough about. This book brings trafficking into the light and educates all who had absolutely no idea these crimes go on AND still continue"

"A true eye opener. The book is a unique product with real Artists and real stories of survivors. It is very educational and beautifully compiled. The stories shared are inspiring."

"When Silence Ends is a book about hardship, empowerment, and strength. Most importantly it is a book to teach the complexity and diversity of sex trafficking. It is more than a collection of stories. Share it with your kids, your mom, your sister, aunts, uncles."

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